Friday, September 11, 2020

Deja vu

 In both collages, the photo on the left is the new bone growth stimulator for my broken foot. The one on the right is the one I used for my fractured pelvis. 

Otherwise, the drill is the same. I wear the device for 30 minutes each day, the clock resets at midnight Pacific time, and it's a use it or lose it device. I've got 270 doses and once I started the device, the count down clock started. In another 265 days, this device will become trash (no recycling which stinks).

Insurance covered this 100%, probably because the claim is later in our benefits year. I was pretty annoyed by the medical rep who brought it by. He came to the door without a mask on so I said (in my own mask) "where's your mask?" Oh, he said, out in my car. Yeah go get it. Jerk. 


Jeanne said...

A medical rep? Yeah, he should know better.

Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home said...

A few weeks ago, there was a pounding on the front door. I don't normally answer the door unless I'm expecting someone, but the pounding was concerning. When I opened the door, it was a saleswoman for a construction firm. "We're in the neighborhood". NO mask! I interrupted her shpeel and called her out on it. I couldn't believe it!

I hope that bone growth stimulator does its job!