Thursday, October 15, 2020

Why I won’t talk politics with my brother

 (Or with you if you share his beliefs.)

This post has been one I’ve put off writing over and over again and I can’t do that any more. So bear with me because this is personal and hard to write. Or skip the post, your call.

My brother is my only full sibling, we share both parents and are just 11 months apart. When we were little, we were very close although much of that was from necessity as we had a bit of “us against the crazy world” thing going on. We huddled together as we shifted from my mom and dad’s house to my father and stepmother’s house, and went from being the only two children to the two youngest of six. Then both families added kids: my mom & dad had a child and adopted a child, and my father and stepmother had a child. 

He was there when much of my abuse occurred and that damaged him as much as it did me. It also shaped him; he’s said for decades that he’s a staunch supporter and advocate of survivors of sexual abuse, especially women.

You see where this is going, I’m sure. Yes, he supports our current president and at least from the outside looking in, I think he’s fully a supporter. And that’s where the title of this post comes from.

I cannot support 45 in anything. He’s gone on record about sexually assaulting women, he’s bragged about it and shown zero accountability or remorse. There’s not one bit of repentance in him. Supporting 45 invalidates any talk about being an advocate of survivors like me. You cannot have both positions in your head and be reasonable or sane. 

And to take it a step further, let’s go ahead and talk about abortion. I see conservatives making this election or really most elections about this issue, they phrase it in terms of being pro-life. Well OK, I get that. I’m personally deeply uncomfortable with abortion, especially if it’s used as birth control. But I extend that sanctity of life to all life, including convicted murderers. If life is precious before birth, it’s equally precious after birth. To remain consistent to my own values, I cannot support casual abortion and I absolutely do not support the death penalty.

Lest this start a distracting argument, let me be equally clear that I also don’t have it in me to tell someone who was raped, or has a diagnosis of severe disabilities or birth defects or a tubal pregnancy that tough shit, you must carry that baby to term. It’s clear we need a safe, legal option.

In 2004, Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister said the following in an interview with Bill Moyers:

"I do not believe that just because you are opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, a child educated, a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

That hit home for me. Where is the conservative support for women after they’ve given birth? Rhetorical question, of course, because they are not willing to fund social safety nets. 

Let me wrap up this much too long post. I started by saying this is why I won’t talk politics with my brother. I mean that. If we discuss politics any more than we have (and I shut down that line of conversation every time he’s started it), I will end the relationship. Everyone has their point of no return, and this one is mine. If you believe the way he does, and we have a relationship you want to keep, then honor my boundaries.


Jeanne said...

I can't imagine having a family member who supports the current president and his love of corruption. I don't know what I'd do. It seems to me you're doing what you can.

Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home said...

Nailed it. I don't understand anyone supporting 45. He is, in all realms, a horrible, amoral person. Pro Life? Tell that to those immigrants and their children down on the border.

I could go on.Bottom line, I am sorry about your brother. I don't understand it at all.

KD said...

AMEN on all fronts. All things you stated above -- along with a million other reasons -- led me to the conclusion I could no longer be married to my husband. You and I are in full alignment on our values here, as my soon-to-be-ex is fully opposing all of it. Add to that the judgement and criticism my out-of-the-closet son dealt with and my path forward without him became crystal clear. Finally.