Monday, April 8, 2019

Out of runway, alas

I had serious plans to be able to run the Running with the Cows half marathon on May 11. You might remember I ran that one as the third of three half marathons for the Heartland 39.3 Challenge last year. That’s also when my pelvis was cracking, and it was a hard, hard race for me. Despite that, I managed to place second in my age group and I thought perhaps I could do even better this year with a healed pelvis.

But the amount of snow and ice we got this year greatly reduced my mileage and I just haven’t been able to build my mileage base enough. I reliably run four miles at a time, about three to four days a week. But I haven't been able to get in some proper longer runs (eight or more). Sure, I could do a run/walk but that's (a) not my style and (b) not my goal.

To add insult to injury, I also had to have a breast biopsy last Friday (this kind), which has also now interfered with running. There was no way for me to run any sort of longer distance this weekend, not with a hole in my breast.

And I should know by the end of the week if anything more serious is going on. 

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