Sunday, January 2, 2011

Random thoughts that don’t add up to anything coherent

  • I leave today for Hawaii (again) and get back Friday night.
  • Kent leaves Saturday for Europe (again) and gets back Thursday.
  • I don’t like this pattern.
  • But it’s better for the cats since we haven’t solved the cat sitter issue.
  • Wally hissed at Eddie loudly and constantly for three days—day and night, no kidding.
  • I keep thinking I’m hearing Chloe snore, but it’s Eddie.
  • I have my suitcase out in the living room so I don’t wake up Kent, and Wally has done his best to unpack things, starting with the socks. That cat is obsessed with socks.
  • Coffee is good but sleeping till a more civilized 5AM would be far better.
  • I didn’t get Christmas cards out this year; by the time I was actually home enough to consider doing so, it was far too late.
  • The snow from last weekend’s blizzard has almost vanished (except in our patio which is a heat sink). The temperature yesterday reached 61F.
  • I’m going to show the picture I posted of the snow in our patio to the class participants in Hawaii. Hey, they get excited over leaves that have changed color.
  • More than a few friends have commented that 2010 was awful for them and they are hoping for a better year this year.
  • 2009 remains on record as the worst year for me and I hope never to repeat a year like that again.
  • No New Year’s resolutions for me; I generally don’t wait until the first of the year to make changes. I’m way too impatient for that.
Do you make New Year's resolutions? If so, what are they for 2011?


Ron Griggs said...

Resolutions have always seemed unnecessarily arrogant to me--as though we really know the future! My idea of a resolution is a contingency; if *that* happens again, I'll do *this* the next time. For example, I want to be more aware of situations at work where someone isn't getting the credit they deserve for an idea or an accomplishment and to remedy that. But otherwise, not being able to predict the future, I don't like to make resolutions that sound like goals.

KD said...

This time of year I'm generally goal-focused. Not so much for the resolutions but because it's how I'm wired. The stress of kids/holidays from October-December has passed. I enjoy getting back into the projects I put away in the fall, and focus on those things that will get me through the winter -- indoor home improvement, cleaning up finances, and lots more cardio than normal.

Jeanne said...

In reaction to our visit to my increasingly clean-cut brother's family, I have resolved to cuss and drink more. (My kids find this amusing, as the only curse word I think they've ever heard me utter is a two-syllable DAY-UM during a card game.)

Unknown said...

That's funny about taking pictures of snow to Hawaii. We just take it for granted. I had a friend in college, who was from California, and had never seen a frozen lake until he got to Wisconsin. I laughed, and he said, "Have you ever been playing soccer and been knocked on your butt by an earthquake?" Well played, college friend.

I also do not make resolutions. If I realize I need to make a change, it seems silly to wait until later to do so.