And here’s the watch on my wrist—so pretty.
We are getting more snow today; so far we have about another six inches on top of all the blizzard x two remnants topped with sleety ice. I’d take a picture but really just search my blog for any winter post since I moved to Boston and you’ll find plenty. It all looks about the same.
The watch face looks oddly enormous, from my perspective, against the small wrist. It is pretty.
Kids are out of school here today because of all the blowing snow and subzero temps.
I took the picture so the angle is way off. I should get Kent to take a picture instead.
Boston schools got canceled last night, and we have a snow emergency. My manager and a peer of mine were giving me quite a bit of crap yesterday when I said Boston was on tap to get hammered again today (forecast was originally 2-4 inches, since changed to 3-7) so I did plan on driving in today. Talk about peer pressure.
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