Monday, May 11, 2020

The ties that bind

I started this blog post a year ago, and saved it in my drafts. I was a little busy going through cancer treatment at the time so this fell off my radar.

What you see is a photo of my granddaughter holding a photo of me as a little girl standing in front of the same piano Alison is standing in front of. I don't remember us not having that piano, and I played it all the time growing up. Oddly, I never took piano lessons although I did become a musician, first on flute and later and for much longer as an oboist.

My younger son and his wife were downsizing before they moved to a much smaller house (moving from Arizona to California will do that to you). They really couldn't take the piano with them so they found another family who wanted one. I like knowing that other children are playing away on that piano and I hope they enjoy it as much as I did and as Ben's kids did.

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