Saturday, October 12, 2019

And I'm done

I did not expect side effects from the tamoxifen to kick in at such a low dose. But as I mentioned earlier, I've been having heart rate issues on my runs. Today's run if it can be called that was the worst so far.

I'm training for the next 10K race on November 9 and today's run should have been an easy 7 miles, keeping my pulse nice and low. Everything else felt great: lungs, legs, even the left pec was behaving. Unfortunately even before I finished one mile at a super slow pace, my heart rate spiked to 176.

I've been running with a Garmin for a couple of years, and a FitBit for three years before that so I know how my heart behaves and this? Is not it.

So I'm done with the tamoxifen. I'll take my chances on recurrence without the drug and focus on that 40% risk reduction offered by exercise and weight.

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