Sunday, August 15, 2010

They know the deal

Ever since I got Chloe, we've had an agreement: if I open a can of tuna, she gets to lick it out once it's empty. Until recently she hasn't cared for tuna water and wouldn't eat her kibble if I put the water on her food. So she gets the can. Once we got the boys, we needed to figure something out because even if both of us have tuna for lunch, they don't all get their own can. The compromise is pretty simple--the boys get the tuna water and Chloe gets the can.


Jeanne said...

Our ten-year-old cat, Sammy, has started meowing for tuna water every time we go in the kitchen and chop vegetables--he seems to think it's the celery we like to put in tuna salad. More often than not, we'll oblige him by making tuna. Our cats get a saucer with the tuna water and the few bits of tuna that cling to the sides of the can lid, which we use to press out the water. I'm not sure they're clever enough to lick out the can without cutting something.

edj3 said...

I've always wondered if Chloe would cut her tongue or anything. But nine years on, she's been fine (so far).

Now if we open any can at all, they all come running. I always laugh at them when it's just beans.