Sunday, August 29, 2010

About that disbelief

I’m not much of a movie watcher; in fact, I generally watch maybe two or three movies a year. Kent knows this and has complained about it in the past. He pointed out that when we first started dating, we went to maybe half a dozen movies in two months' time. I pointed out that I was displaying courtship behavior. Once I won his love and affection, then I was done with that strategy.

We did watch a lot of movies in November and December last year when I truly needed the break from reality. But I hadn’t watched any movies this year, at least not that I recall.

I find most movies require I suspend too much disbelief and then I realize I’m watching a movie, not experiencing it. That probably sounds weird but I think that’s why I didn’t think Avatar was such a great movie.

I watched it on the plane to Hawaii, so I didn’t see it in 3D. Yes, yes, I know the 3D version is supposed to be visually stunning and that some will say I haven’t truly seen the movie since I saw it on a dinky airplane screen. That’s not why I thought the movie was merely OK.

This will sound like I’m going off on a tangent but Kent and I are also gamers; we play World of Warcraft (official site here). The game is set in a very different environment and filled with creatures that almost certainly never existed anywhere except in stories. But it’s very immersive, and since we play on a roleplaying server, we stay in character when we game, which adds to the immersive experience.

Pandora reminded me somewhat of Azeroth, the world in the game we play (if you are familiar with the game, I think parts of the movie were drawn from Zangermarsh). So I fully bought into the notion of the alienness of Pandora. I just thought the plot was simplistic. Even though I didn’t know prior to watching the movie how the story ended, I'd figured it out in the first 30 minutes or so.

Suspending disbelief over the alien world was easy; the predicable plot yanked me right out of that world much too easily.


Unknown said...

90% of movies are garbage anyway, and I'd rather spend my time doing something other than sitting on my butt. I don't pretend that the movies that I watch have any merit, as I mostly gravitate toward comedies. It works for me. I also thought Avatar was "ok."

Jeanne said...

This goes a way towards explaining why we weren't better friends when younger. I have an incredibly high suspension of disbelief. I've always attributed it to a childhood spent in Rose Theater.

Have you ever seen the South Park episode about World of Warcraft, "Make Love, Not Warcraft"?

Jolo said...

Heck, I have not even seen Avatar yet!

I bet you have seen more movies this year than I have