Saturday, June 12, 2010


Me: You're going to think I'm too detail-oriented

Kent: Yes, yes you are

Me: But you know how the hot water lever on the bathroom sink is parallel with the wall? Well the cold water lever isn't and it should be.

Kent: ::eye roll:: That may be a much bigger job than you think. And you're not detail-oriented, you're obsessed.

Me: Am not! And it would just look better.

I ran some errands after that conversation and came home to take a picture of the faucet only . . . he fixed it!


Kent J said...

What is missing from this account is a description of the handle and how far it was from being parallel to the wall.

I don't have the tools necessary to measure such a small angle, but I would guess it was 4 or possibly 5 degrees off.

Ben Shear said...

i would have noticed it too, it would have bugged me.

i don't know how people stand having pictures on their walls that are not level, i mean noticeably level. some people... :)

Jeanne said...

Does migraine personality run in this family?