Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cats are weird

Kent told me that when I left for work yesterday morning, the cats went absolutely nuts. All three raced around the apartment crying and then took turns cycling through his lap for comfort.

I know they hate it when I’m up and he’s still in bed—especially Eddie who will leap back onto the bed and yell at Kent. Really that’s the only way to describe what he does, he yells. Eddie’s got quite a vocabulary. If I placed all three cats on a vocabulary continuum, it would look like this:

Normal meows (Chloe)----------Some “language” (Wally)--------------Full blown “language (Eddie)

They always swarm me when I get home.

It’s Kent’s birthday today. Thankfully the Red Sox don’t have a home game, which screws up my commute and means I stay at work until 6 PM—no point in leaving earlier since instead of taking just over an hour, I’d be sitting in my car for closer to two hours. That means we can have a quiet dinner out at a fairly normal time.


Ron Griggs said...

If we change the routine, ours develop anxiety-induced wackiness, too. But none talk as much as Sammy, who insists on (a) answers, and (b) a lap.

Sammy also pats our faces when he wants to be scratched under the chin. He pats our faces with claws slightly extended if we do not comply right away.

It makes you wonder who's really in charge.

edj3 said...

Does he do the claw-extended bit when you are sleeping? That would be most startling.