Thursday, May 27, 2010


Kent’s job hunt continues. He’s had some promising interviews although nothing’s panned out yet. One position was in New York City and I had mixed feelings when I learned they’d filled it; while I would have ended up hating him being gone all week, every week, the job and the company sounded pretty interesting. Today he’s learned that another company that’s been interviewing him has some real problems with the way they are managing their business—probably bad enough to be a deal breaker for him.

So we are looking at single income status again at the end of next month. I remind myself we’ve done it before and God knows I did it with far, far less when I was newly divorced. But just because I have the skills to live on a lot less doesn’t mean it’s particularly fun or enjoyable.

I’m not prepared to consider a name change to Job—things aren’t nearly as bad as they were last November and December. But I am discouraged and so is he. When that happens, we check out LOLcats. I liked this one:

funny pictures of cats with captions

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

The cat picture made me smile.
I hope Kent gets such a fabulous job you both can afford to jet around visiting your friends.