Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Staying out of ruts

Have you seen people who stay in fashion ruts? I'm talking about make up styles from 20 years ago (hello, dark lip liner that doesn't match the lip stick), clothing tied to long ago fads (looking at you, parachute pants, and you, torn t-shirts), or hair (banana curls, anyone?).

Well I don't want to be something I'm not, but I also don't want to be a tragic fashion relic. So from time to time, I head to my local MAC counter for a make up update, I purge my closet and consider which current fads I can wear without looking or feeling ridiculous, and I update my hair style.

The new blue is on the right
Until last year, though, I never included nail polish in the updating category. I don't wear nail polish on my finger nails. The instant it chips, I start picking at it which you'll have to agree isn't an attractive look. But I've always worn polish on my toe nails. Actually, I've always worn a vivid pink polish on my toes. Last year, darker colors were all the rage and I thought I'd give it a try. So I bought a gorgeous shade of dark purple as my test into the realm of other colors.

I didn't actually like that color on my toes. It was probably too dark because you could hardly tell it was purple. It looked more black and that is a look I really don't care for at all. But this year, blues and greens are all the hot nail colors. So once again I bought a new color and gave it a try.

At first I hated it. I thought it looked really unnatural. But I also realized that pink isn't any more natural than blue or any other color. I've worn it now for a couple of weeks and I think I like it.

If you are the nail polish wearing sort, what colors do you wear?


Anonymous said...

I like the way nail polish looks on toes, but when it's on mine I have the irrational fear that my toes are suffocating. Hmm. It is interesting, though -- I definitely like the sort of fashion I've always liked -- I'm wearing a skirt and a t-shirt and loafers today, and I was probably wearing something similar on this day 20 years ago. But I do have an orange jacket, which is sort of newish. The line between tragic fashion victim and looking like myself is one I'm familiar with, at least as something I try to attain.

Magpie said...

I paint my toenails once in a while. Or I let the girl do it. I'm partial to a silvery-gold dark grey-ish color, but right now they're navy blue because it was the color that spoke to me at the nail salon. Before that, they were frog puke green because the girl did it (and picked it).

Otherwise I wear jeans all the time. :)

FreshHell said...

I only paint my toenails. Right now they're purple with a purple sparkle top coat. Love purple. Usually I find a color I like - pink to bronze spectrum - and stick with it for awhile until I'm ready for something different. The kids change their nail color almost daily but I don't that much maintenance.