Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A list

This week as I commuted, I came up with a list of what I will and won’t miss when we move out of this apartment on Mass Ave.

What I’ll miss
  1. The view.
  2. The closets.
  3. The ability to wash and dry multiple loads of laundry all at once.
  4. The pizza cutter (it works really well).
  5. Direct sunlight coming in the windows.
  6. Having a concierge who can sign for packages. VERY convenient.
What I won’t miss
  1. The crazy shower that either takes about 10 minutes to warm up or starts out with scalding water.
  2. The slow drain in the shower.
  3. The street noise. Unbelievable.
  4. How hot the apartment gets if it’s sunny and above 40F.
  5. The toaster—seriously, people, if you aren’t using a toaster oven, you are crazy.
  6. The fridge with the freezer on top. Highly inefficient, and the back of the fridge is too cold so things freeze.
  7. The door slammer across the wall.


Jeanne said...

About #4 on what you won't miss--I would miss that. But maybe not once April and May come.

edj3 said...

If we could open the windows, the radiant heat wouldn't be an issue. But they slide side to side and don't have screens. I am pretty confident the cats would go right out the windows trying to catch sea gulls. And we are 8 floors up. So no cooling breeze, it just gets to like 75 or 80 and we sweat.