Thursday, July 16, 2009

I was going to write about

The view from the deck of the house we stayed in. And I was going to brag (again) about my mother's mad sewing skills and show you the crayon bags she made (photo by Kent).

Then I was going to write about how excited I am because I'm getting a compact sewing cabinet which will make doing my projects a LOT more convenient.

Instead I'm going to complain about a leaky kitchen faucet that's created a mess under the sink. After the no-water issue earlier this week, I ought to be grateful to have water. I would just prefer it not be standing in my cabinet, forcing me to empty everything out and then mop up all that water.

Edited to add: And NOW I'm going to really complain about the mold growing in our closet. We have a leak and it's from the sidewalk above the closet so the condo association is supposed to repair it. I really hope the condo association doesn't forget this needs to be fixed ASAP. No wonder I can't breathe.

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