Thursday, August 30, 2012

More cat weirdness

The boys greet us on the stairs every time we come home; they also block us from leaving.

In the morning, Wally follows me around like a dog while Eddie sleeps and Chloe does whatever inscrutable things she does.

Around 4--4:30 AM, Eddie will wake up and crawl up between me and Kent, crying loudly. I've learned to let him under the covers. It's the fastest way to get him to be quiet. Even for me, that's just too early to get up.

Every morning, I find their favorite green and purple mice somewhere in our bedroom and toss them back out in the living room. Every night while we sleep, one of them brings both mice back in. We find them on our bed, by our bed and in the doorway. Let me tell you, when you step on one in the dark, it can be a little surprising. At least they aren't sharp, like Legos.

Mostly, though, they pose like dead cats. I have probably 15 pictures of them in various dead poses; these were oh so carefully curated for your viewing pleasure.

"Dead" Eddie

"Dead" Chloe

"Dead" Wally


Joybells said...

Ahaha! They crack me up. The dead Eddie looks like he's faking it so you'll come closer so he can pounce. I can almost detect a faint smile...

Jeanne said...

Wally has the most dignity.