Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Manners matter

When my boys were in early elementary school, one of the stories on tape we listened to was from Patch the Pirate—I just Googled him today and he’s still around, although I don’t remember the CD name any more. I do remember one of the songs was about table manners and part of the lyrics were “remember your manners and be polite as you are able, remember your manners and be polite as you can be.”

Apparently manners don’t mean the same thing in Boston. Twice in the last week we’ve had someone open our private gate to our patio and just walk right in. Um hello? And what in the world are you thinking? Would you be OK with me just walking into your home? Because that’s what you are doing.

I ended up getting out-of-proportion angry about last night’s trespass which is when I realized I’ve hit my limit regarding floods, ruined floors, law suits, joblessness, etc. So if you would, post something good that’s happened to you. I want to live vicariously through you.


Jeanne said...

My daughter recovered from her fever in time to go on her college visit. I saw an old friend today (Nancy G) in Cape, and swam in the super-great new pool complex.

edj3 said...

Ooooh good news indeed. What does your daughter want to study?

Judith said...

It may not sound like great news, but I can bend my operative knee to 110 degrees and push the bike pedal all the way around. Of course now the pt will put the seat lower!! Otherwise all I can offer is empathy. Lawsuits, especially personal ones, can be devastating.

Do you need to come to Idaho for a few days? Or Kent?

Love you, Mom

lemming said...

A student wrote me an e-mail to say that in six years of university study, I was the best teacher she ever met, and that she felt inspired to be as good as me.

Jeanne said...

Eleanor wants to study everything. She's an ideal candidate for a liberal arts college.

Also, I feel sort of vicariously proud of Victoria's good news.

And Judith, 110 is pretty good for this soon after the surgery!