Thursday, February 18, 2010

Survivor’s guilt

To quote LOLcats, I gots it.

Stupid, sure. Illogical—definitely. And yet I still feel guilty that I landed this fantastic job doing the kind of work I love while so many of my friends remain unemployed. And let’s bring it even closer to home.

Kent’s job ends a week from tomorrow. He loved the work he did and the field he was in, and his reviews and bonuses showed the company thought the same about him. But then the business plan changed and poof—bye bye entire business unit. Watching him go through this has been like watching someone I love go through a divorce he didn’t want. And while he’s getting a job divorce, I just got a job marriage.

Or maybe it’s like announcing a pregnancy to friends who can’t conceive. Whatever the analogy, I’m really trying to shed the guilt because God knows I didn’t just sit around eating bon bons while job searching. I needed and wanted a job in my field.

How do you handle false guilt like this?


Kent J said...

You could just stop feeling guilty. Did that work?

Ben Shear said...

lol @ ---^

come one, you didn't eat one single bon bon? I find that hard to believe.

Dont' feel guilty, it's finally your turn. It's not like you didn't earn it.

edj3 said...

Not a single bon bon. I might have had a Combo or two though.

Jeanne said...

I think you should have faith that your still-unemployed friends are so fantastic that someone will see that soon and hire them.

Angie said...

I'm going to have to agree with Jeanne... Just have faith that it will work out for them like it did for you, be supportive, and just be you. :)