Monday, November 16, 2009

U turns? Really?

Dear Providence drivers,

As I leave you this week, I do have some questions I hope you can answer for me. You see, I’ve found the unwritten driving rules quite bewildering in the almost three weeks I’ve been here. So perhaps you can clear things up for me.

1. How do I know when you plan on making a u-turn directly in front of me? I don’t see a turn signal and really a turn signal wouldn’t exactly be appropriate. So am I missing something here? Do you do some sort of weird hand gesture or a head bob or something? Clue me in please.

2. In the same vein, why do you get angry with me when I don’t realize you are making a u-turn in front of me and I fail to yield to you? Is there a law I don’t know about that says anyone making a u-turn gets to go first?

3. Let’s not forget plain vanilla left hand turns—directly into oncoming traffic. Are you sure I’m going to stop? Because to the best of my knowledge, I have the right of way and you do not. Yet you turn mere inches from my front bumper and you get mad at me.

4. Pedestrians, you get a question as well—why, when there is a clearly marked cross walk half a block away, do you decide it would be better to dart across the street directly in front of my car? You don’t even have the excuse of bad weather. Are you that confident I’ll both see you and be able to stop?

Thanks in advance for your answers. I’m confident you can clear this up for me, and I remain hopeful I can leave without actually killing anyone.



Care said...

I know, I know... Being from the midwest and having to tolerate these turns in front of me. I also hate when they wave me thru when I want to left turn and I refuse - they get mad! I know how to "yield" dammit. AND dont' get me started on the short onramps to the interstate and how SLOW people merge on and then pass me later - idiots. I was taught to merge in at highway speed and I scare my friends when they travel with me. :)
sorry, this turned into angry rant when you were so polite in your post.

edj3 said...

Hahaha thank GOD someone else gets it. I so nearly killed probably half a dozen people during our not quite three weeks in Providence.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Well, you see, IF ..they don't look at you, then you are NOT there!
Which means that they can turn anywhere they want, and dart across streets without benefit of crosswalks. It really IS odd how they sort of DARE you to BE there! I do not quote me because I really do not know..but I THINK it is a personality flaw! It's a "ME FIRST" attitude! IF you hit them in any instance, perhaps they think (if they think at all!) that it is money in their pockets!?? Who knows.