Sunday, August 2, 2009


My husband is a pretty damn good photographer. If you've checked out his blog, you already know this. But yesterday he took pictures of me, partly at my request and partly to test out his new camera and new lens. I'm not always easy to photograph because I have the ability to blink at exactly the wrong time--in fact our wedding photographer commented on that and also used a picture of me with my eyes closed in his studio. So that tendency of mine is very real.

Nevertheless, Kent got this picture of me and I really like it.

1 comment:

Judith said...

You look so wonderfully happy - great picture of a great subject. And, having just returned home and read your earlier blogs, here! here! to your hair and whatever color you wish to have. And the same for me and mine. And I don't remember telling you to pull your abs in but it sure does work - I'm having the same experience now. Well, this is probably all tmi but I love you and sorry to have missed your call.