Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How a cat trains a human

Generally we don't buy lots of toys for our kitties. Well I say that and then I hunted down their toys for this picture--and we have more than I realized. At least the kitties play with all of them, including the small gray cloth which is not a toy. It's the cleaning cloth that came with my HP laptop. Wally hunted that thing down no matter where I hid it, so I gave up, it's his now.

The boys especially love to bat around the small mice you see in that picture. Since they are small toys, it's very easy for them to get batted under the couch, the armoire or my desk. Wally has a solution for that situation. He comes to my desk and meows at me. If I don't respond as quickly as he'd like, he'll pull out the ruler you see in this picture and look up at me as if to say, "Hey! Get down here on the floor and fish out my mouse!"

We also find these toys in unusual places. Last night Kent came to bed after I did and he told me this morning it was all he could do not to burst out laughing because he found the pink mouse under his sheets right about where his shoulders would be. I think Wally thought Kent might be bored. This morning we also found the possum on the counter.

1 comment:

Maube said...

the little fuzzy mice are a favorite in this house... of course they usually get destroyed and we find little pieces everywhere... and of course... Caitlynn's pacifiers.