Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We're having decent weather here in Boston so Kent and I got out of the apartment for a while. I was feeling a little stir-crazy after being indoors the entire week. In fact, I hadn't left the house since I went to church on Sunday. I'd planned to run errands later in the week, and then of course Tuesday I got sick. Well I guess I was technically out of the house Tuesday when I got locked out but it wasn't exactly a fun time.

My Valentine's gift to Kent was a bit selfish since I got him a pair of down booties and I got me a pair too! These booties come up over the ankle and are technically called tent booties but I don't think you'll catch us in a tent any time soon. Our office nook (which is right off the living room) has marble tiles; those tiles are pretty but quite cold. So even though winter may be on the way out, I think we'll end up using the booties a lot.

A week or so ago Kent and I were in Levenger's at the Prudential Center, and I saw this pen. In the picture it looks red but it's really quite pink, leaning more toward the raspberry side of pink. I completely raved about it and then promptly put it out of my mind. Guess what I got from Kent? Yep, that fantastic pen!

We'll go out for an early dinner at Columbus Cafe and that will complete our Valentine's Day. I hope you have a good one as well.

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